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The Earth Goddess

The Earth Goddess encircles the earth in her tender embrace. She is here to offer love and support, healing and wisdom, and compassion and forgiveness. She is an excellent Goddess...

The Shaman Goddess

The Shaman Goddess is a healer. She uses the elements and nature to help heal the sick, wayward, and lost. She understands how important the balance between physical and spiritual...

Owl Goddess

When working with the Owl Goddess, know that you will be exploring the inner reaches of your inner realm. The Owl Goddess supports your journey in self-healing and gaining one's...

Eagle Goddess

The Eagle Goddess can help you find healing and balance. She will help you to view life and its many situations from a higher perspective. Eagle Goddess can help you zero in...

Healing Buddha

This Healing Buddha holds an Amethyst as a symbol of healing. He reminds us that everything is comprised of energy, and it is in working with that energy that our...

Legacy of the Divine Tarot Deck

The Legacy of the Divine Tarot deck is a wonderfully illustrated tarot deck that incorporates imagery from ages past to help guide you in your life as you pursue individual...

Selenite Sphere

Selenite is a crystallized form of gypsum that’s most commonly found in the form of a translucent, multifaceted stone. It's composed of calcium sulfate dihydrate and is formed when sulfate and calcium-rich salt...

Medium Citrine Point

Citrine Points Citrine is a type of quartz crystal. It is typically pale yellow to reddish-orange in color and is a popular member of the crystalline quartz family. Quartz is...

Rose Quartz Tree

Rose quartz is a pink to purple-toned mineral in the quartz family. Its signature hue is attributed to small amounts of titanium, iron, and manganese. It supports the heart in all...

Amethyst Bahia Points

Amethyst is a variety of quartz crystals. It is part of the hexagonal crystal system. Amethyst is a semiprecious stone with a vitreous or glassy luster. It often comes in...

Rose Quartz Tower

Rose quartz is a pink to purple-toned mineral in the quartz family. Its signature hue is attributed to small amounts of titanium, iron, and manganese. Rose quartz is a mineral composed...

Selenite Tower

Selenite is a crystallized form of gypsum that’s most commonly found in the form of a translucent, multifaceted stone. It's composed of calcium sulfate dihydrate and is formed when sulfate and...

Raw Citrine Cluster

Citrine is a type of quartz crystal. It is typically pale yellow to reddish-orange in color and is a popular member of the crystalline quartz family. Quartz is a hard, crystalline mineral made...

Blue Goldstone

Blue Goldstone is a man-made product, shimmering glass, dating back to 1100 to 1200. The earliest mention of Goldstone was Vincenzo Miotti of Venice who was commissioned to create this sparkling...

Tarot Illuminati Deck

The Tarot Illuminati deck draws you in with its beautiful images. There is a sense of otherworldliness that stirs long-forgotten memories. Tarot Illuminate helps bring clarity to troubled situations and...

Dreams Of Gaia Tarot Cards

The Dreams of Gaia Tarot deck takes the traditional aspects of tarot and combines them with powerful present-day symbols. The Dreams of Gaia Tarot can help you recognize periods of change...